木部分主要是说明研究宗旨和论文要解决的问题。在《现代临床护理》杂志发表的科研论文中,表述研究目的时常使用不定式短语。常见的不定式短语有:to explore(探索、探讨),to investigate(调查),to analyze(分析),to discuss(讨论),[(,describe(描述),[(,assess(评估),[(,evaluate(评价),to examine(检查),to identify(确定),to find out(发现),to observe(观察),[(,introduce(介绍),to review(回顾),to demonstrate(展示),to study(研究),[()learn(了解)等。
例1:调查优化门诊服务流程对患者门诊等候时间的影响。 To investigate the effect of optimization ofoutpatient clinic service on patients' waiting time. 例2:探讨食道癌术后急性呼吸衰竭的护理措施。 To discuss the nursing measures for patientswith acute respiratory failure after esophageal canceroperatron. 例3:探讨CT引导卜经皮肺穿刺活检术并发症的影响因素。To explore thecomplications caused bypulmonary puncture biopsy.influentialCT一guidedfactors ofpercutaneous2.2方法部分 此部分一般要简要说明研究对象、研究设计的方法、随机分组方法、统计分析方法等问题。2.2.1表示研究对象的选择、来源及标准的常用句型①...were recruited into/enrolled in/selected ( ran-dourly ) from...:(随机)招募/招收/选择……② ...were selected based on...:根据……选择……③Inclusion criteria were…:入选标准是……
例4:选择2006年1一12月在木院体检中心进行健康体检的10 900人设为对照组,2007年1一12月进行健康体检的15 350人设为干预组。 A total of 10 900 people who had physicalexamination in our center from January[()December2006 were selected as the control group and a totalof 15 350 people who had physical examination inour center from January[()December 2007 wereselected as the experimental group. 例5:选择电视胸腔镜手术治疗的自发性气胸患者80例,随机分为康复干预组和对照组各40例。 Eighty patients with spontaneous pneumothoraxafter vide<)一asissted thoracic surgery operation wereselected and randomly divided into two groups,40 inthe contrast group and 40 in the rehabilitation group.2.2.2表示对研究对象进行分组的常用句型① ...were divided into…based on…:根据……随机分为……② ...were divided randomly/randomized into…:……随机分为……③... were divided equally into…:平均分为…… 例6:将80例患者随机分为两组,对照组与实验组各40例。 Eighty patients were divided randomly into thecontrol group and the experimental group,with 40cases in each group. 例7:将148例施行经尿道前列腺电切术患者随机分成两组,实验组76例,对照组72例A total of 148 patients who received prostateelectrotomy were randomly divided into two groups,with 76 in the experimental group and 72 in thecontrol group.2.2.3表示病人接受治疗或护理措施的常用句型① Patients received ....:病人接受了……② ... was performed on patients.对病人做了…… 例8:对对照组的病人实施常规护理,实验组在常规护理的基础上实施体位护理。 The control group received routine nursingonly,and the experimental group received bodyposture nursing in addition[()the routine nursing.
例9:康复干预组除行术后常规护理外,实施早期康复干预;对照组则行术后常规护理和非系统的功能锻炼。 The patients in the rehabilitation group receivedroutine postoperative nursing and rehabilitationnursing,while the patients in the control group rece-ived routine postoperative nursing and non一systematicself-training. 例10:选择木院严重早期眼化学伤的儿童患者15例(24眼)给予新鲜羊膜移植术治疗,观察羊膜植片情况和患者手术前后视力情况。 Fresh AMT was performed on the children'ssevere ocular burns(15 cases,24 eyes),and theamniotic membrane and the children's visions beforeand after surgery were observed.2.2.4表示使用统计学方法进行比较的常用句型10... and ... were compared:对……和……进行比较②…and…were observed:对……和……进行观察例11:观察并比较两组患者ICS治疗依从性及症状控制情况。Patients' ICS compliance and the clinicalsymptoms between the two groups were observed andcompared.
例12:观察两组患者的压疮治疗效果及愈合时间。 The therapeutic effect and the healing time ofpressure sore between the two groups were observed.
例13:观察比较两组产妇分娩方式、总产程时间、产后出血量及新生儿窒息率。The delivery modality,total time of labor, post-partum hemorrhage and the rate of neonatal asphyxiawere compared.2.3结果部分 木部分主要阐明通过研究所得到的重要数据及其统计学意义。2.3.1表明结果的常用句型① The results showed that ...:结果表明……②It was found that /We found that ...:我们发现③…was clos由related[()…:……导··…密切相关④…increased/decreased by ;…增加(减少)
例14:结果表明患者发生意外跌倒的主要因素有:疾病因素占44.4%,环境因素占22.2%,防范意识差占33.3% o The results showed the major reasons ofaccidental falls included diseases (44.4%),bad physi-cal environment(22.2%)and weak preventive cons-ciousness(33.3%). 例巧:我们发现,观察组产妇胎儿宫内窘迫发生率明显高于对照组,新生儿窒息的发生率明显低于对照组。 We found that the fetal distress incidence inthe observation group was significantly higher thanthat in the control group,and the fetal asphyxia inci-dente in the observation group was significantlylower than that in the control group.
例16:患者的焦虑情绪与患者过分恐惧、悲观失望情绪、社交活动少、产生自卑、多疑情绪,病程长过分依赖及家庭支持照顾不周等方而有关。 Patients' anxiety was related[()aspects such asfears,pessimism,fewer social activities,suspicious-ness,overdependence and inadequate family support.
例17:调整方案以后,病人满意度较实施前提高,护士绩效考核缺陷人数有所卜降。 Patients' satisfaction rates were improved evi-dently and the blemish items decreased significantlyafter adjustment.2.3.2表示结果统计学意义的常用句型①There was significant difference in...between Aand B ; A与B之间在……方而有显著性差异。②The difference in ...between A and B wassignificant ; A与B之间在……方而的差异具有统计学意义。③(No)Significant difference was found/observed/noted in ...between A and B ;(没有)发现A与B之间在……方而具有显著性差异。.A was significantly different from B in…:A与B之间在……方而具有显著性差异。
例18:访视护理6个月和12个月后,BPRS评分、GAS评分、患者服药依从性和疾病复发率,经统计学分析,均P < 0.05,差异具有统计学意义。 After 6 months and 12 months of nursingvisitation in intervention group,statistical analysisshowed that BPRS,GAS,the patients' medicationcompliance and disease recurrence rate were found[‘,be significantly different ( P<0.05).
例19:两组血液标木发生溶血情况比较,差异具有统计学意义(P < 0.05 ) o Significant difference was found in hemolysisbetween the two groups. 例20:两组护生的专科理论成绩、专科操作以及护理病历书写成绩比较,经统计学分析,差异具有统计学意义。 Significant differences were found between thetwo groups of nursing students in their examinationresults,manipulation and record writing. 例21:观察组排痰效果、拔管时间与对照组比较,差异具有统计学意义。There was significant difference in dischargingsputum and optimal extubation time between thetreatment group and the control group.